Sterling IRB: Real People in Real Time with Real Solutions

Our Continuity Plan in Response to COVID-19

While the health and well-being of our employees is of the utmost importance, Sterling is continuing its mission to safeguard the rights and welfare of clinical research participants throughout this situation. In support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for social distancing, Sterling IRB has fully activated our telework environment to protect our staff and local community against the spread of COVID-19.   Our operations are continuing to run without interruption.  Sterling’s administrative staff is readily available by telephone and email, and our panels are continuing to meet daily.  Our responsiveness to your questions and needs, and Sterling’s review timelines continue to be the very best in the industry.

Although the world at large is experiencing many uncertainties, Sterling IRB’s commitment to customer service and human research subject protections remains unchanged and uninterrupted.  We are prepared and available to provide you with the reliable expertise and service you’ve always counted on.

Many of our clients have requested a copy of Sterling’s Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Manual.  If needed, please send us a request via email:

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