Sterling IRB convenes daily meetings (Monday-Friday). Please refer to our News and Events page for upcoming holiday closures.

Click here to go to the SilverLink Access Registration page to complete the form.

Submissions to Sterling IRB may be made electronically through SilverLink, our secure online portal.

To set up a new SilverLink account and/or access a specific study, click here to go to the SilverLink Access Registration page. For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected] or 1-888-636-1062, and a member of our helpdesk staff will work with you to set up your account.

Sterling IRB review timelines are published on our website here. Please contact us at 1-888-636-1062 to further discuss review times with a member of our administrative staff.

All documents distributed by the IRB are available electronically via SilverLink, Sterling IRB’s secure web portal. Designated contacts for a study and/or site will receive email notification when Sterling IRB uploads documents related to the study to SilverLink. Sponsor/CRO contacts have access to all study documents issued to the sponsor/CRO and participating sites, and site contacts have access to all study documents issued to their site.

A dedicated account manager is assigned to study sponsors for the duration of the study. Your account manager is the primary point of contact for protocol-related issues.

Sterling IRB’s North American Panel convenes every Friday and provides our clients with one-stop service for multicenter clinical trials conducted at research sites across the United States and Canada. Click here for more information about Sterling’s North American Panel.

Yes, Sterling IRB is registered with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Registration with DHHS covers both OHRP and FDA registration. Our IRB registration number is IRB00001790, parent organization number IORG0001354. Current IRB registration information can be located here or on the Statement of Compliance page of the Sterling IRB website.

Sterling IRB does not have an FWA number. Sterling IRB is registered with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Only institutions that are engaged in human subjects research conducted or supported by any U.S. federal department or agency are required to have Federalwide Assurances (FWAs) on file with the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP).

Current and/or archived Sterling IRB membership roster(s) can be accessed via the Sterling IRB website Review Board page.

A copy of our current fee schedule is available upon request. Please call 1-888-636-1062, or request a Sterling IRB fee schedule.

No, Sterling IRB does not require submission of a Form FDA 1572. A supplemental site form should be submitted with the submission application for the investigator/site for each additional location where research will be conducted. Forms for use when there is a change in principal investigator or other site information changes are available on the Sterling IRB website and may be accessed here.